This is how you contact me

This is who I am

Hello!  I’m guessing you found this website because you are a friend, or because you found the link on one of my projects. Welcome.

You are looking at a sort of digital diary where I can keep track of my (many) hobbies; there are just so many things which interest me that I can easily forget meaningful details when I look back on my work. This website is partially for whoever you are, and partially for my future self.

If you have any questions about anything you find here please feel free to contact me. To the lament of those around me I am all too eager to discuss these sorts of things.

– Cullen

These are the things that I'm learning

  • WordPress icon WordPress
  • HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, Lua
  • 3D Printing / Modeling
  • Bitcoin icon Cryptocurrencies
  • Home Assistant icon Home Automation
  • Woodworking

These are the things that I'm proud of

No, I'm not so impressively humble that this area will always have so few items listed. As I mentioned above I have so many projects that I want to share and archive here that it's going to be a lot of work to gather their photos / details. As I continue to create more projects or collect details for old ones they'll show up here. I'm sure you'll be refreshing the page in tense anticipation.

Click to read more about each category.